Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pedro Goes Boot-Scootin' down in Nashville!

Hi, everyone! It’s me again, Pedro! I had such a fun time this weekend exploring the great city of Nashville, Tennessee. I met so many nice people, and of course I loved being the companion of Kellyn and Nick! We left for Nashville on Saturday morning. First, we went to Grimey’s, a record store. I like music, but I have never really considered the impact it has had on the world, specifically the United States. A lot of really cool bands play there sometimes. Oh, but wait till you hear what we did later! That night we went downtown to Broadway Street. Man, oh, man! There were so many people! So many boots! I even got to see the Ryman Auditorium! Did you know that in 1907, Teddy Roosevelt gave a lecture from the Ryman stage?! Oh, oh, oh AND Helen Keller! Nick told Kellyn and I a lot of interesting information about country music singers. After we adventured downtown, we went to Wendy’s and got a frosty. I really liked that. The next day, Kellyn insisted on getting a picture by some mural. Nick and I rolled our eyes, but of course, we went anyways. It turned out to be a really neat mural called “I Believe in Nashville,” painted by DCXV. This specific mural was located in the 12 South District. We then went to the Opry Mills Mall and SHOPPED. Kellyn loved it, I think Nick did, too. I got really hot and bored in the car. Then we, well, I’ll let Nick tell you what we did next! But after that, we went to see some loud bands. I think they were called Into it. Over it. And Saves the Day. We saw them at this place called the Exit/In. A lot of influential musicians have played there, like B.B. King, Hank Williams Jr., Billy Joel, Etta James, Willie Nelson, and Waylon Jennings. It was a fun trip, but we didn’t get home until 3 in the morning! I am one tired pup. I am happy to be home with Mrs. Stearns now.

Total miles traveled on this trip: 409.4 miles

Total miles traveled by Pedro: 687.8 miles (wow!)


Longitude: -86.497193

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